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Name: Cape Ray Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Cape Ray, Newfoundland, Canada

Location: Southwestern Newfoundland, Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Managing Organization:
Cape Ray Lightkeeper's House Committee

Telephone: 709-695-2058

Contact Address Information:
Box 176
Cape Ray
Newfoundland, A0N 1C0, Canada

There are programs for elementary schools and youth groups at Cape Ray, run by the Southwest Coast Development Association. Groups are given a tour of the site and are encouraged to ask questions. On Saturdays during the summer months, there is an arts and crafts time with children where they can construct a lighthouse or a kite. Cape Ray was used as one of the five pilot sites for Marconi’s wireless, and kites tie into the history as Marconi used a kite to help receive his first signal. As of January 2003, this is still a staffed light station.

Tower Height: 48

Height of Focal Plane: 119

Characteristic and Range: One-second white flash every 15 seconds, visible for 23 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White octagonal concrete tower.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1871: First tower, destroyed by fire 1885; 1885 tower destroyed by fire 1959.

Date Established: 1871

Date Present Tower Built: 1959

Fog Signal: Automated horn, four second blast every 60 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Yes.

The keeper's dwelling now operates as a museum and gift shop, run by the Southwest Coast Development Association. Call 709-695-2058 for information.

From the ferry terminal in Port aux Basques, take the Cape Ray access road to the lighthouse.

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