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Name: Horn Island Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

Location: Mississippi Sound, Gulf of Mexico.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: U.S. Coast Guard

The first Horn Island Lighthouse was endangered by shoreline erosion and was moved in 1880. It was replaced by a new lighthouse in 1887 further from the shore of Horn Island. The first structure was destroyed in a hurricane in 1893. The second lighthouse had to be moved 253 feet in 1900. The keeper and his wife and daughter were killed in a hurricane in 1906 and the lighthouse was abandoned. A new station about a mile away, the Petit Bois Island Light, replaced this one in 1908. This lighthouse was discontinued in 1961 and subsequently destroyed.

Description of Tower: 1874: Lantern on roof of dwelling on screwpile foundation; 1887: Lantern on roof of 1.5 story dwelling, 1908: Lantern on dwelling on wood pilings (Petit Bois Island Light)

It is not known at this time if this light is operational

Date Established: 1874

Tower Moved?
1880, 1900

Current Use: Destroyed.

Keepers: Valentine B. McArthur (1874), Martin Freeman (1874-c. 1894), Charles Johnson (c. 1906, died in service).

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