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Name: Stannard Rock Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Marquette, Michigan, United States

Location: Near Keweenaw Peninsula, Lake Superior.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: U.S. Coast Guard

Managing Organization:
Superior Watershed Partnership


A day beacon marked this spot beginning in 1868. This lighthouse is built on a submerged offshore reef at an exposed location; it is considered an important engineering achievement. The interior was badly damaged in a 1961 fire. The original second order, 12 bullseye lens was removed in 1962 following the 1961 explosion and is currently on display at the Marquette Maritime Museum, in Marquette, MI. Under the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act ownership of the lighthouse was transferred to the Superior Watershed Partnership in Marquette, Michigan.

Tower Height: 110

Height of Focal Plane: 102

Description of Tower: Conical stone tower on cylindrical crib.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1882

Date Present Tower Built: 1882

Date Automated: 1962

Optics: 1882: Second order Fresnel lens (on display at the Marquette Maritime Museum, in Marquette, MI). Now 300mm.

Fog Signal: Originally steam whistle, then diaphone horn.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

Accessible by boat only. Keweenaw Excursions offers cruises that pass this lighthouse; see or call 906-482-0884, or email

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

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