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Name: Point Hueneme Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Port Hueneme, California, United States

Location: East entrance to Santa Barbara Channel, five miles south of Oxnard.

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Photo: Ken Kochel
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Managing Organization:
U.S. Coast Guard

The port at Hueneme is the only deep water port between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Clayton Parkinson sent the following: "About Point Hueneme Light, in the late sixties I was stationed there as an engineman. We had a 40-footer that was kept at the Seabee base at Port Hueneme for search and rescue operations. In the lighthouse we had a radio room were we had a radio watch 24 hours a day. we also maintained the light and loran on Anacapa Island. There was 4 houses and a barracks house at Port Hueneme, and on Anacapa Island we had a crew of 3 who would spend a month at a time on the island. I was the last one off the island in 1969 when it was automated. Nice to see these two lighthouses have not been forgotten."

Tower Height: 48

Height of Focal Plane: 52

Description of Tower: Square white Art Moderne concrete tower on fog signal building.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1941 concrete Art Moderne fog signal building.

Earlier Towers?
1874: Square tower rising from dwelling.

Date Established: 1874

Date Present Tower Built: 1941

Date Automated: 1972

Optics: 1941: Fourth order Fresnel lens. In 2016 the Fresnel lens was removed and replaced by a VLB-44 Vega LED beacon. The old Fresnel lens is now on display.

Fog Signal: Originally a diaphone horn.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Occasionally.

This light can be viewed by walking north on a path behind a breakwater from the beach area around the Hueneme fishing pier. Also, the Coast Guard Auxiliary opens it to the public on one Saturday each month for tours. For more information go to

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