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Name: Babbage Island Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Carnarvon, , Australia

Location: Gascoyne Coast, Western Australia.

Managing Organization:
Carnarvon Heritage Precinct


The original 1896 wooden tower here was damaged by fire and was replaced by the present steel skeletal tower in 1962. The lantern is now on display on the grounds near the tower. The former keeper's cottage is now a museum managed by the Carnarvon Heritage Precinct.

Tower Height: 60

Height of Focal Plane: 98

Characteristic and Range: Flash every 5 seconds, white or red depending on direction.

Description of Tower: White, steel skeletal tower, lantern removed.

This light is not operational

Earlier Towers?
1896: Wooden tower with iron lantern.

Date Established: 1896

Date Present Tower Built: 1962

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds and museum in keeper's house only.

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