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Name: Cap Gaspé Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Cap-aux-Os, Quebec, Canada

Location: Eastern entrance to Gaspé Bay, Gaspé Peninsula.

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Photo: Glenn Brown
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Managing Organization:
Forillon National Park

Telephone: 418-368-5505


Contact Address Information:
122 Gaspé Boulevard
Quebec, G4X 1A9, Canada

Tower Height: 42

Height of Focal Plane: 350

Characteristic and Range: White flash every 5 seconds; range 12 miles.

Description of Tower: White, octagonal concrete tower with a red lantern.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1873: 30-foot tall square tower with dwelling attached; destroyed by fire in 1890. 1892: 46-foot tall square tower rising from the roof of the keeper's dwelling.

Date Established: 1873

Date Present Tower Built: 1950

Date Automated: 1972

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

The lighthouse is located in Forillon National Park, which is primarily used by hikers and campers. From the town of Gaspé, follow Highway 132 Ouest to the village of Cap-aux-Os. About a mile past the village, follow signs for “Forillon - South Area” to the entrance gate (admission fee in 2002: $4.00/day). The way to the lighthouse begins at the end of the road, about 3 miles past the gate. Limited parking available. Two different itineraries are possible: a 2.5-mile long hiking path, which should be attempted only by experienced hikers; and an unpaved road, which is more direct (approx. 1.5 miles) but still pretty tough: the last stretch (2000 ft) before reaching the lighthouse is a long uphill climb. Both the path and the old road provide breathtaking views over Gaspé Bay. (Thanks to Michel Forand.)

Keepers: Charles Esnouf (1873-?), Eylmer Langlois (1959-1972)

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