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Name: Point Lepreau Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Dipper Harbour West, New Brunswick, Canada

Location: On a cliff overlooking the Bay of Fundy.

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Photo: Michel Forand

Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

This is the third lighthouse at this location.

Tower Height: 58

Height of Focal Plane: 84

Characteristic and Range: White flash every 5 seconds, visible for nautical 14 miles.

Description of Tower: White octagonal concrete tower with three red horizontal bands and a red lantern.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1831

Date Present Tower Built: 1959

Fog Signal: Three 2-second blasts every minute.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

There is no public access to the lighthouse, which is located on the grounds of the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Plant. Special permission to view the lighthouse must be obtained from the nuclear plant authorities. The gate to the nuclear plant is located off Highway 790, about 5 miles from Highway 1. Jeff Shanks writes, "The property that the tower sits on is cordoned off via a chain link fence with barbed wire cap and you cannot access the grounds of the power plant. There is a very regular patrol of the perimeter fencing." He recommends requesting permission well in advance to visit the lighthouse.

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