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Name: Cape Bruny Lighthouse  

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Nearest Town or City:
Kettering, , Australia

Location: South Bruny Island, southwestern coast of Cape Bruny, southeast coast of Tasmania.

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Managing Organization:
South Bruny National Park


Tower Height: 62

Description of Tower: White conical tower.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1838

Date Present Tower Built: 1838

Date Deactivated: 1996

Current Use: Historic attraction.

Open To Public? Yes.

The nearby Bligh Museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in summer and 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in winter.

The island is accessible by ferry from Kettering. For ferry information call (03) 6267 4494. Guided tours of the lighthouse are available; call (03) 6298 3114.

Keepers: Isaac Merrick (c. 1875), William Hawkins (1877-1914), A. Williams (assistant, c. 1898)

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