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Name: St. Paul Island Southwest Light   

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Nearest Town or City:
Originally Dingwall, now Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Location: Originally in Cabot Strait off northern Cape Breton, Gulf of St. Lawrence.

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Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

A small solar powered light is in operation where the lighthouse originally stood. The keeper's house is in disrepair. The 1917 lighthouse is now in the parking lot of the Canadian Coast Guard base in Dartmouth, NS. It was relocated there around 1981. The tower would have been lost to demolition if not for the efforts of Canadian Coast Guard staff. The original lantern had deteriorated beyond salvage and was scrapped, so an aluminum lantern was installed along with a Fresnel lens. In October 2010, it was announced that the lighthouse would be returned to Dingwall Nova Scotia and put on display at the community museum.

This light is not operational

Earlier Towers?
1840: Hexagonal wooden tower, burned down in 1916. 1917: Cylindrical steel tower.

Date Established: 1840

Current Use: Attraction at Coast Guard station.

Open To Public? No.

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