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Name: Pointe au Père Light  

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Also known as: Le phare de Pointe-au-Père

Also known as: Father Point Lighthouse

Nearest Town or City:
Pointe-au-Père, Quebec, Canada

Location: Gaspé Peninsula, St. Lawrence River, about 6 miles east of Rimouski.

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Photo: Michel Forand
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Managing Organization:
Musée de la Mer

Telephone: 418-724-6214


Contact Address Information:
1034 Rue du Phare
Quebec, G5M 1L8, Canada

The Father Point Lighthouse Station (as it was known in the 19th and early 20th centuries) served as a signal, wireless, storm warning, and tidal gauge station, and (until 1959) as a pilot station. In 1975, the light was transferred to a nearby skeleton tower, which has since been deactivated. A 400-watt bulb has been fitted into the lantern by the Musée de la Mer, but it does not serve as an aid to navigation. In May 1914 the "Empress of Ireland," a Canadian Pacific passenger liner, sank near here in just 14 minutes. 1012 passengers and crew perished in the disaster.

Tower Height: 108

Description of Tower: White, reinforced concrete tower with eight buttress supports, red lantern.

This light is not operational

Earlier Towers?
1859: Tower built by Montreal Ocean Steamship Co., purchased by Canadian govt. 1861. 1867: Octagonal lantern on white square house w/ black band, focal plane 48 feet. After 1909, house (demolished in 1966) served as wireless station.

Date Established: 1859

Date Present Tower Built: 1909

Date Deactivated: 1975

Optics: 1909: Third order Fresnel lens.

Current Use: Historic site, museum.

Open To Public? Yes.

The keeper's house is now the Musée de la Mer (Museum of the Sea), with exhibits on navigation on the St. Lawrence River. A new museum devoted to the shipwreck of the "Empress of Ireland" is now open. The site is open daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from mid-June through Labour Day. Open 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. June 1-15, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 1 - Oct. 13.

From Autoroute 20, take exit 621 (Père-Nouvel) to the town of Pointe-au-Père and continue to the lighthouse via the Rue du Phare. From Quebec Highway 132 at the west end of the town, follow the Rue du Phare to the lighthouse.

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