Managing Organization: Canadian Coast Guard
Tower Height: 45 Characteristic and Range: Group flashing white (12s) Description of Tower: White, octagonal concrete tower with red lantern.
It is not known at this time if this light is operational
Earlier Towers? 1861: square white wooden tower (destroyed by fire in 1907); 1908: 54-foot white, octagonal wooden tower. Date Established: 1861 Date Present Tower Built: 1968 Optics: Third order Fresnel lens from 1908 tower is on display at the Bluefin Tuna Interpretation Centre, Ballantyne's Cove. Current Use: Active aid to navigation. Open To Public? Grounds only. Directions: From Route 337 near Ballantynes Cove turn onto Lighthouse Road. There is parking near the lighthouse -- it's a fairly steep hike to the lighthouse and a spectacular view. Keepers: David Condon (1861-1898), W. J. Condon, Alex L. MacEachern (1898-1919), Charles Albert Falkenham (1919-1952), William Clark (1952-1968)