The Lighthouse Digest USLHS Keepers' Grave Marker Program

A sample program including a copy of “The Lighthouse Keepers Prayer” and the song “Legend of the Lighthouse” are available here.
U.S. Lighthouse Service Memorial Marker Ceremonies can be held by any number of people in settings that range from formal memorial services with military rites to a simple informal gathering of family and friends. Such events allow family bonds to be renewed and memories to be passed on to next generations to cherish and preserve.
Order the USLHS Grave Marker at least six weeks in advance from
Provide in reading, or in a printed pamphlet, a biographical sketch of the keeper’s life, including all of the lighthouse assignments, if known. Read or tell any personal stories or remembrances that have been recorded or oral stories from the family.
The ceremony could also include a local honor guard or color guard to post the colors, the reciting of lighthouse related poems and songs, such as the old hymn, “Let the Lower Lights be Burning” and the placing of flowers or a wreath. End the ceremony with the reading of “The Lighthouse Keepers Prayer.”
These are just examples to choose from - there is no set way to honor a lighthouse keeper!
Please send high resolution photographs of the ceremony and gravesite, along with pertinent information on the ceremony and cemetery information to Lighthouse Digest at so it can be published and shared with others and saved for future generations. We are also maintaining a master list of USLHS grave markers that have been placed.
Lighthouse Digest hopes that many keeper families and many lighthouse groups will take the initiative to hold such ceremonies to place markers in recognition of the years of service of their keepers to honor and show an expression of pride of the service and sacrifices given for our country by personnel of the old United States Lighthouse Service, or United States Coast Guard, who once served at our historic lighthouses.
It is hoped that in the months and years ahead that many historical markers will be placed at gravesites honoring the lighthouse keepers.
Help us place markers to honor Lighthouse Keepers in cases where there are no known descendants or none can be found.
Please consider making a donation to the
USLHS Grave Marker Fund
or by mail to
Lighthouse Digest Grave Marker Fund
P.O. Box 250, East Machias, ME 04630