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Name: Hampton Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Hampton, Nova Scotia, Canada

Location: Chute Cove, Bay of Fundy.

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Photo: Josette d'Entremont

Managing Organization:
Hampton Lighthouse Society

Telephone: 902-665-2138

Contact Address Information:
1898 Hampton Mountain Rd.
Nova Scotia, B0S 1N0, Canada

The Hampton Lighthouse Society, which maintains this lighthouse, was formerly known as the Tidal View Drive Association.

Tower Height: 32

Height of Focal Plane: 69

Characteristic and Range: Fixed white, visible for 11 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White, square pyramidal wooden tower with red trim.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1911

Date Present Tower Built: 1911

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

A paper museum is planned for the lighthouse in the future.

Follow Highway 101 through Annapolis Valley; exit onto old Highway 1 towards Bridgetown. Turn right in Bridgetown on Church Street and follow over North Mountain to an intersection. Turn left and follow a short distance to Hampton. Look for a right turn to the wharf, beach and lighthouse.

Keepers: Herbert Foster (1911-?), Vernon Dunn (1920s-?), Claude Hamilton (?-1957), Frank Cropley (1957-?)

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