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Name: Horton Point Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Southold, New York, United States

Location: Eastern Long Island Sound.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Val Brendel

Managing Organization:
Southold Historical Society

Telephone: 631-765-5500


Contact Address Information:
Prince Building, 54325 Main Road
PO Box 1
New York, 11971, United States

This lighthouse was restored and relighted by the Southold Historical Society. The keeper's dwelling now houses a nautical museum.

Tower Height: 58

Height of Focal Plane: 103

Characteristic and Range: Flashing green every 10 seconds.

Description of Tower: White, square brick and granite tower attached to keeper's house.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
Two-story brick and granite keeper's house, barn.

Date Established: 1857

Date Present Tower Built: 1857

Tower Moved?
1857: Third order Fresnel lens; now modern optic.

Date Deactivated: 1933-1990

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, museum.

Open To Public? Yes.

Lighthouse Park grounds are open at all times. The Lighthouse and Nautical Museum buildings are staffed by volunteers and are open Memorial Day through Columbus Day on Saturdays and Sundays 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. To arrange group tours and special openings call: (631) 765-5500.

The lighthouse and park are at the end of Lighthouse Road in Southold, near Route 48.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: William Sinclair (1857-1861); A. J. Tillingast (1861-1866); Barnabas Pike (1866-1869); Huron W. Squires (1869-1871); Daniel Goldsmith (1871-1877); George S. Price (1877-1896); Robert Ebbitts (1896-1919); George Ehrhardt (1919-1933)

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