Notes: The old lighthouse is said to have been designed by Gustav Eiffel, who also designed the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. Although it was described in light lists as a white tower with black bands, recent photos show two reddish brown bands, possibly an effect of discoloration. It is reported to be open to visitors. The old dwelling has been converted into an elementary school. Tower Height: 65 Height of Focal Plane: 245 Characteristic and Range: White flash every 5 seconds, visible for 17 nautical miles. Description of Tower: White tower with black top.
This light is operational
Earlier Towers? 1909: Black and white metal tower, 59 feet tall; dwelling nearby. Date Established: 1909 Date Present Tower Built: ? Current Use: Active aid to navigation. Open To Public? Yes (details unavailable). Mapquest URL: Click here to get a map to this lighthouse!