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Name: Walde Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Calais, , France

Location: English Channel, Pas de Calais.

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Photo: Courtesy of Michel Forand

This screwpile lighthouse was built after a design by Alexander Mitchell (similar to the lighthouses he designed for Maplin Sands, Chapman, etc. in Great Britain). As a result of silting in the area in the late 20th century, the light became unnecessary and even dangerous to navigation, and it was discontinued. The original lantern is now in the lobby of the Capitainerie du port de Boulogne (Boulogne harbormaster's office). Discussions have been held about moving the tower to a mainland location, but no decision has yet been made.

Tower Height: 59

Height of Focal Plane: 43

Characteristic and Range: Three white flashes every 10 seconds, visible for 13 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: Lantern (now removed) above a dwelling on a hexagonal screwpile structure.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1859

Date Present Tower Built: 1859

Date Deactivated: 2001

Current Use: None.

Open To Public? No.

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