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Name: Dornbusch Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Grieben, , Germany

Location: Bakenberg, northern end of island of Hiddensee.

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Photo: Ronald Wöhrn

Managing Organization:
WSA Stralsund


This lighthouse was round when it was built; it's present 12-sided exterior was added in 1927.

Tower Height: 92

Height of Focal Plane: 95

Characteristic and Range: White light, 2.4 seconds on, 7.6 seconds off; red sector.

Description of Tower: White 12-sided tower; red roof.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1888

Date Present Tower Built: 1888

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Yes.

The lighthouse is open daily from May through September, and Tuesday through Saturday in April and October. Additional openings over the Christmas holiday.

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