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Name: Netherlands Lightship 3 (Mayflower)  

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Also known as: Lichtschip nr. 3

Nearest Town or City:
Brugge, , Belgium

Location: Brugge-Gent Kanal.

Managing Organization:
Mayflower Restaurant

Contact Address Information:
Bargeweg, 13
8000 Brugge

This vessel served at the Haaks station from 1925 to 1930. It was later sold and was used for some years as a floating dormitory. It has been a restaurant in its present location since 1978.

Description of Tower: 112-foot two masted lightship; red hull and white superstructure.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1884

Date Deactivated: 1939

Current Use: Restaurant.

Open To Public? Yes.

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