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Name: Holland Harbor Light  

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Also known as: South Pierhead Light

Also known as: Big Red

Nearest Town or City:
Holland, Michigan, United States

Location: Entrance to Holland Harbor, Lake Michigan

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Photo: Alice F. Sears of Woodville, OH
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Managing Organization:
Holland Harbor Lighthouse Historical Commission


In 1970 the Coast Guard announced plans to discontinue Holland Harbor Light and build a new, more efficient lighthouse on the north side of the channel, but citizens circulated petitions to save it. In 1974, the Holland Harbor Lighthouse Historical Commission was officially sanctioned by the State of Michigan as a nonprofit organization to work for the restoration and preservation of the lighthouse. In 2008, ownership was transferred to the Holland Harbor Historic Commission.

Tower Height: 32

Height of Focal Plane: 52

Description of Tower: Square red wood tower on roof of keeper's dwelling.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1907 two story, twin gable keeper's house.

Date Established: 1872

Date Present Tower Built: 1936

Optics: 1936: Sixth order Fresnel lens.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, part of state park.

Open To Public? No.

From US Route 31, turn west onto South Business Route 31 (8th Street). Turn right on Columbia Street. Turn left onto 7th Street, and continue 3 blocks to River Avenue. Continue to Douglas Avenue. Head west approximately six miles on Douglas Avenue to Holland State Park. Take the boardwalk to the pier. The lighthouse can be seen across the canal. If you plan to go all the way to the lighthouse, be aware that under a new policy, security guards from the Macatawa Cottagers Association, posted at a gate at the end of South Shore Drive, will provide visitors a card for themselves and their vehicles that is valid for that day only, as well a map showing the pathway leading to the pier. Vehicles without a valid card will be towed. Visits are limited to one hour, and visitors are prohibited from taking with them coolers, blankets, picnic or barbecue equipment. Pets are also prohibited. For information on Lake Michigan lighthouse tours, call the West Michigan Tourist Association at (800) 442-2084 or visit their website at For reservations, call Brenner Tours at 800-338-5963.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: Melgert van Regenmorter (1870-1908), Charles Bavry (c. 1908-1912), George J. Cornell (c. 1908-1912), Edward Mallette (c. 1908-1912), Joseph M. Boshka (1912-1940)

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