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Name: Vaindloo Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Kunda, , Estonia

Location: Small island in the Gulf of Finland.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Estonian Maritime Administration

Managing Organization:
Estonian Maritime Administration


The current tower was previously the first lighthouse at Vormsi, which was moved here after three years of preparations, and erected on a granite foundation. The lighthouse survived the two world wars without suffering any major damage.

Tower Height: 56

Height of Focal Plane: 65

Characteristic and Range: One flash every 15 seconds, visible for 11 nautical miles (white sector) and 7 nautical miles (red).

Description of Tower: White, conical metal tower with a red roof.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1718: Wooden lighthouse, rebuilt several times (collapsed 1868). 1869: Wooden tower (temporary).

Date Established: 1718

Date Present Tower Built: 1871

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

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