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Name: Oak Island Front Light  

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Also known as: Oak Island Beacon

Nearest Town or City:
Southport, North Carolina, United States

Location: West side of the mouth of Cape Fear River.

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The Oak Island Range Lights helped guide vessels past Oak Island Bar.

Characteristic and Range: 1849: Fixed white, range 9 miles; 1866: Fixed white; 1892 Light List: Fixed red, range 7.5 miles.

Description of Tower: 1849: 20' white brick tower, focal plane 27'; 1866: 27' brown tower, focal plane 33'. The 1892 light list describes a white square pyramidal skeleton structure, 20' tall, focal plane 22'.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1849

Date Deactivated: 1890s

Optics: 1855: Fifth order Fresnel lens; 1866: sixth order Fresnel lens.

Fog Signal: Fog bell struck by machinery,

Current Use: Destroyed.

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