Managing Organization: Wings Neck Light Trust
Website: Email:
Contact Address Information: 12 Jericho Hill Road Southboro Massachusetts,
United States
Notes: It is estimated that Keeper George Howard and his brother, Assistant Keeper William Howard, saved 37 lives during there years at Wing's Neck Light. In 1930 the keeper's house from Ned's Point Light in Mattapoisett was floated to Wings Neck. The station was discontinued in 1945 and passed into private hands. The lighthouse is now available for rent. Tower Height: 32 Height of Focal Plane: 50 Description of Tower: White, hexagonal pyramidal wood tower with black cast iron lantern.
This light is not operational
Other Buildings? 1889 1.5 story wood keeper's house (attached to tower), oil house, 1870s keeper's house (moved from Ned's Point Light). Earlier Towers? 1849: Hexagonal wooden tower and lantern on roof of stone keeper's house, 38 feet high, focal plane 50 feet. Date Established: 1849 Date Present Tower Built: 1889 Date Deactivated: 1945 Optics: 1856: Fifth order Fresnel lens. Fog Signal: Fog bell and striking mechanism in pyramidal tower (destroyed). Current Use: Private residence, vacation rental. Open To Public? No. Directions: Take MA 28 south to Pocasset. Turn right at Barlow's Landing Road (marked with "Pocasset 1 - Barlows Landing - Wings Neck 3" sign) on the southwest corner. A short distance from Shore Road (stop sign), turn right onto Wings Neck Road. The road divides; go either way and follow to the cul-de-sac by the entrance to the private community. You can view the lighthouse from here, but do not enter the gate with its emphatic "no trespassing" signs. Listed on the
National Register of Historic Places Keepers: Edward D. Lawrence (1849-1854 and 1865-1887); Samuel Barlow (1854-?); ? Weight (?); ? King (?); John Maxim (c 1850s); Albert Gifford (1887-1908, died in service); ? Gifford (wife) (1908); Wallace Eldgredge (1908-1921); George Howard (1921-1937); William Howard, assistant (1920s). Nearby Lodging: The lighthouse is available for rent.