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Name: Whitlock's Mill Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Calais, Maine, United States

Location: South bank of St. Croix River.

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Photo: Jeremy D'Entremont

Managing Organization:
St. Croix Historical Society

Telephone: 207-454-2604


Contact Address Information:
P.O. Box 242
Maine, 04619, United States

Whitlock's Mill Light is the northernmost lighthouse in the U.S. on the Atlantic Coast. Under the Maine Lights Program the lighthouse was transferred to the St. Croix Historical Society in 1997.

Tower Height: 25

Height of Focal Plane: 32

Characteristic and Range: Six seconds green alternating with six seconds darkness.

Description of Tower: Cylindrical white brick tower with black cast iron lantern.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
1901 1.5 story wood/stucco keeper's house, 1910 fog bell tower, 1910 oil house, storage building.

Date Established: 1910

Date Present Tower Built: 1910

Date Automated: 1969

Optics: 1909: Fourth order Fresnel lens; now 250 mm.

Fog Signal: 1910: Fog bell in pyramidal tower.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, private residence.

Open To Public? No.

The lighthouse can be viewed from the St. Croix River View Rest Area on US Route 1 in Calais. The rest area is announced by a "Rest Area 1,500 ft." sign from the south. The view is largely obscured by trees in summer.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: Frank N. Jellison (1909-1920), Alvah Robinson (1945-1947), Jasper L. Cheney (1949-1957).

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