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Name: Guard Island Light  

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Also known as: Guard Islands Light

Nearest Town or City:
Ketchikan, Alaska, United States

Location: On island in the entrance to the Tongass Narrows from Clarence Strait, nine miles north of Ketchikan.

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Photo: U.S. Coast Guard
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Managing Organization:
Guard Island Heritage, Inc.

Telephone: 907-225-6919


Contact Address Information:
Rob Holston
11380 Alderwood St. N.
Alaska, 99901, United States

Guard Island Heritage, Inc. is working to gain ownership of the light station, which is still owned by the U.S. Coast Guard. The group wants to improve public access to the light station and to restore the lighthouse.

Tower Height: 30

Description of Tower: White square concrete tower on roof of oil house

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
Integral oil house. Other buildings were destroyed in 1973.

Date Established: 1904

Date Present Tower Built: 1924

Date Automated: 1969

Optics: 1904: buoy-style lens-lantern light; 1997: solar powered VRB-25.

Fog Signal: Originally a bell, then an air diaphone horn.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

Accessible by boat or float plane only. Ketchikan City Tours offers an excursion to the light station; see or email or call 800-652-8687.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: Tom Whalen (Coast Guard officer in charge 1964)

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