Digest>Archives> February 2000

Calendar 2000


The Calendar of events is provided for the readers of Lighthouse Digest as a courtesy to the various lighthouse groups around the world. Although we do our best to supply accurate information, Lighthouse Digest is not responsible for accuracy and will not and cannot be responsible for errors. Most of the groups listed are volunteer organizations. We do not charge non profit groups to have an event listed in the calendar of events. Always check ahead of time as events may be cancelled or changed for various reasons including weather. If you know of an event that should be added, changed, corrected or deleted, please call us at once at 207-646-0515 or e-mail -Timh@lhdigest.com. If you go, be sure to tell them that you read about it in Lighthouse Digest.

April 29 - Cape Cod Lighthouse Cruise on the Big Cats! View 10 lighthouses and one former lighthouse site. Contact Friends of Boston Harbor Islands, 349 Lincoln St. Bldg 45, Hingham, MA 02043 or call 781-740-4290 or on the internet at www.fbhi.org.

May 13 - Boston to Plymouth Expedition cruise, same as Aug 19

May 14 - Flying Santa's 6th annual bus tour to four Cape Cod Lighthouses, departs from Hull, MA. Towers will open for tour. $35pp, Lobster Pot lunch break extra. Reservations - Flying Santa of the Lighthouses, P.O. Box 791, Hull, MA 02045, Ph #781-925-0783.

May 20 - Hudson River cruise past Hudson-Athens, Saugerties, Rondout and Esopus Meadows Lighthouses. Leaves from Kingston, NY. $79 pp includes bag lunch. Contact Hilary Salley, Chesapeake Chapter, USLHS, 133 Forest Oaks Dr., Durham, NC 27705 Ph # 919-383-5708 or www.cheslights.org

May 21 - Cruise - lower Connecticut past Great Captain, Sheffield Island, Stamford, Green's Ledge and other lighthouses. Departs from Norwalk, CT. $89 pp includes hot buffet lunch. Contact Hilary Salley, Chesapeake Chapter, USHLS, 133 Forest Oaks Dr., Durham, NC 27705 Ph # 919-383-5708 or www.cheslights.org

May 21 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - Departs Miss Chris Fishing Center, Cape May NJ, $50pp, for more info call 1-800-275-4278 or 1-609-884-5404 or www.capemaymac.org

May 28 Muscle Ridge Channel Maine Cruise aboard Lively Lady Two, see Curtis, Indian, Rockland Brkwtr, Tennents and Two Bush Lights. Cost $50.pp, lunch included - call 1-800-755-3567.

May 29-June 2 International Lighthouse Conference, Nova Scotia. For additional info contact - South Shore Tourism Bureau, P.O. Box 380, 643 Main Street, Mahone Bay, NS, B0J 2EO, Canada - There are lots of lighthouses to see along the "Lighthouse Route" so make this a vacation!

May 30-June 7 Lighthouses of Ireland Tour. Visit over 20 Irish lighthouses and meet lighthouse photographer and author John Eagle and Irish Lighthouse Keepers. For info contact Tricolor International Tours at 1-800-570-9739 or www.tricolor-intl.com/tours.htm.

May 31 West Penobscot Bay ME Cruise - same info as 9/20 cruise.

June 3 - 10am - 3pm American & New England Lighthouse Foundation Lighthouse Cruise on Narraganset Bay on board the Vista Jubilee, Bay Queen Cruises, Warren, RI. Spectacular five hour narrated cruise includes lunch buffet, door prizes, and raffle prizes, with all proceeds going toward American Lighthouse Foundation lighthouse restoration projects. Cost $27.00 per person. Breakfast buffet and presentations the next morning, 9 AM, (June 4) at Whites of Westport, Westport, MA, next to Hampton Inn, cost $15.00 per person, must be paid in advance by check, Visa or Master Card. Hotel reservations recommended at Hampton Inn in Westport, MA. For cruise reservations send to American Lighthouse Foundation, PO Box 889, Wells, ME 04090. For hotel reservations call 1-800-426-7866.

Jun 4 - American Lighthouse Foundation breakfast meeting 9 am- at Whites of Westport, Westport, MA. Cost $15pp, paid in advance, door prizes, speaker, and more. Public invited. For reservations call 207-646-0515

Jun 10 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - same info as Sept. 9

Jun 11 - North Penobscot Bay Maine boat trip, see Curtis, Grindel, Ft. Point, Dyce's, Pumpkin and Eagle Lights. $50.pp included

box lunch call 1-800-755-3567.

Jun 11 - Boston Light cruise, same info as Aug 13 Boston cruise

Jun 13 - West Penobscot Bay ME - same info as 9/20 cruise.

Jun 18 Matinicus Rock, ME boat trip, $50pp, includes lunch, and views of Owls Head and Rockland Lights, 1-800-755-3567.

Jun 18 Flying Santa of the Lighthouses 8th annual Fathers Day Lighthouse Cruise. Departs noon from Hingham, MA shipyard, on board raffle, $35pp plus gourmet box lunch available, Payment in advance to Flying Santa, P.O. Box 791, Hull, MA 02045. www.Flyingsanta.com.

Jun 24 - Cruise 2000 - Eight lighthouses including Tibbetts Point, Horse Island, Stony Point, Galloo Island, Main Duck Island, East Charity Shoal, Pigeon Islands, Rock Island. Includes breakfast and lunch on board the UNCLE SAM cruise ship. Supper at Alexander Bay and round trip from Clayton, NY. $149. pp Deadline June 1, for reservations and info contact Pat Biggs, Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association, c/o Henry Ford Estate, 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI 48128.

Jun 24 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - same info as Sep. 9

Jun 25 Mid Coast Maine lighthouse boat trip, 7 lights, $50pp includes lunch, 1-800-755-3567.

Jul - Lighthouses of Wales tour, plus castle, cathedral and countryside. For info contact Tricolor Tours at 1-732-774-1959 or www.tricolor-intl.com/tours.htm.

Jul 2 East Penobscot Bay Boat trip - same info as Oct. 1 cruise

Jul 8 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - Same info as Sept. 9

Jul 9 - Same info as Aug 13 Boston Light cruise.

Jul 16 - Matinicus Rock Lights cruise - same info as Aug 20 cruise

Jul 21 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - Same info as Sept. 9

Jul 23 Muscle Ridge, ME boat trip, same info as Sept. 24 cruise

Aug 13 North Penobscot Bay cruise - same info as Sept 10 cruise.

Aug 13 - Boston Light Cruise with climb to the top of the lighthouse, $27 adults, $24 seniors and children 3-12 are $15. Friends of Boston Harbor Islands, 349 Lincoln St, Bldg. 45, Hingham, MA 02043 or call 781-740-4290 or on the internet at www.fbhi.org.

Aug 18 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - departs Miss Chris Fishing Center, Cape May, NJ -1pm - $50pp - more info call 1-800-275-4278 or 1-609-884-5404 or www.capemaymac.org.

Aug 19 - Boston to Plymouth MA Expedition/Cruise to all the lighthouses from Boston Harbor to Plymouth includes a 2 hour layover next to the Mayflower. Contact Friends of Boston Harbor Islands, 349 Lincoln St., Bldge 45, Hingham, MA 02043 or call 781-740-4290 or on internet at www.fbhi.org.

Aug 20 Matinicus Rock, ME boat cruise - same info as Sept. 17

Aug 26-27 Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association St. Mary's Cruise 2000. Departs Sheplers dock in St. Ignace, MI to view Round Island, Round Island Passage, Bois Blanc, Martin Reef, DeTour Reef, Pipe Island, Soo Locks and Whitefish Bay lighthouses. Sunday bus tour views Spectacle Reef, Poe Reef, 14-Foot Shoal and other lights. Member price $340 single, $299 two per room, for reservations (limited to first 150 people who pay in full), includes boat and bus fee, motel room, buffet dinner and breakfast. Contact GLLKA, 4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, MI 48128.

Aug 26 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - Same info as Sept. 9

Aug 27 Muscle Ridge Boat trip, ME, same info as Sept 24 cruise.

Sept 3 - East Penobscot Bay Cruise - Same info as Oct 1 cruise

Sept 5 West Penobscot Bay, ME boat trip - same info as 9/20 cruise

Sept 9 - Delaware Bay Lighthouse Cruise - View six remote lighthouses, 4 1/2 hr cruise, sponsored by Mid Atlantic Center for the Arts. $50.pp, departs Miss Chris Fishing Center, Cape May, NJ, for more info call 1-800-275-4278 or 1-609-884-5404 or www.capemaymac.org

Sept 9 - St. Clair River/Lake Huron Lighthouse Cruise, three meals on board the HURON LADY. Cost $79 for GLLKA members, $84 non members - Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Assoc., Sept. 9 Cruise, % Henry Ford Estate, 4901 Evergreen, Dearborn, MI 48128. Ph # 313-436-9150 Fax 313-436-9143.

Sept 10 - North Penobscot Bay ME Lighthouse cruise to view Curtis Island, Grindel Pt., Fort Pt, Dyces Head, Pumpkin Island and Eagle Island Lighthouses. $50pp includes lunch, call 1-800-755-3567.

Sept 17 Matinicus Rock Light, ME cruise, plus Rockland Brk. and Owls Head Lights, $50.pp includes lunch call 1-800-755-3567

Sept 20 West Penobscot Bay Lighthouse Cruise, ME to Curtis Island, Indian Island, Rockland Brk, Owls Head, Grindel Pt., cost $25pp, snack and beverage included - 1-800-755-3567.

Sept 23 Outer Banks Lighthouse Society of North Carolina - Annual meeting and Keepers Dinner with guest speaker Tim Harrison, editor of Lighthouse Digest, who will present a slide/talk on Lighthouses of Yesteryear. Location to be announced. For more information contact John McPherson at jhmj@concentric.net

Sept 24, Muscle Ridge Channel Maine Lighthouse Boat Trip. View Curtis Island, Indian Island, Rockland Breakwater, Owls Head, Whitehead, Tenants Hbr., and Two Bush Lighthouses. $50pp , includes lunch call 1-800-755-3567.

Oct 1 East Penobscot Bay Lighthouse Cruise, Maine. View Curtis Island, Heron Neck, Saddleback Ledge, Isle au Haut, Deer Island, Goose Rocks, and Browns Head Lights. $50.pp, includes lunch - 1-800-755-3567.

Oct 7 Fall Foliage and Lighthouse Cruise Extravaganza, new and improved over last year to 11 lighthouses from Boston, MA to Nubble, Maine. Adults $33, Seniors, $30., children 3-12 are $15. Contact Friends of Boston Harbor Islands, 349 Lincoln St. Bldge. 45, Hingham, MA 02043 or call 781-740-4290 or www.fbhi.org.

Oct 9 Flying Santa of the Lighthouses 3rd annual Columbus Day Cruise, view 16 lighthouses, 5 hour cruise from Warren, RI. $35.pp includes luncheon buffet Paid reservations required. Flying Santa, P.O. Box 791, Hull, MA 02045 - Ph# 781-925-0783, www.Flyingsanta.com

Oct. 14 & 15 Great Lakes Lighthouse Festival, Alpena, Michigan, Free Admission at Alpena Civic Center and under the tents, area lighthouses open to the public, helicopter tours, boat tours, live auction, lots of food, speakers, dance party, ship tours, concert, artists, authors, exhibits, and much more. This festival draws thousands of lighthouse buffs from around the country. Plan on attending the Great Lakes Lighthouse Festival 2000. Many events will start a day early, Oct 13 and continue into Monday, so plan on spending some time. While in the area visit the Mackinac Bridge, Mackinac Island and other historic sites. For the Great Lakes Lighthouse Festival Yearbook, send $4.20 which includes postage to Year Book Offer, Lighthouse Digest, P.O. Box 1690, Wells, Maine 04090.

This story appeared in the February 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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