Maine's Doubling Point Lighthouse is now back home after being removed from its foundation last month.
The move was necessitated to allow workmen to restore the stone foundation which the lighthouse rested upon (see last month's issue of Lighthouse Digest). It was feared that if the foundation was not repaired at once, the historic lighthouse would topple into the river.
The funds for the move and repairs were raised by the Friends of Doubling Point Lighthouse, from donations from people all over the country. A last minute contribution by the American Lighthouse Foundation helped the group to meet their matching grant figure. But the real credit goes to the Jim Spencer family who worked tirelessly to save this lighthouse for the future.
Although the stone base has been restored to last another 100 years, restoration work still needs to be done to the tower and boardwalk. Your continued support is still needed. Donations can be sent to - Friends of Doubling Point Lighthouse, c/o Betsy Skillings-Coleman, HCR 33, Box 61B, Arrowsic, Maine 04530.
This story appeared in the
February 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.
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