We recently had a request from a reader for help in identifying a lighthouse replica across from Radcliff Island in Maine. The lighthouse is located down a dirt road before you cross over to Radcliff Island. Now, thanks to information supplied by subscriber Eugene Swan, we have the answer.
The lighthouse was built by his brother Ripley A. Swan (now deceased). He built it himself with one helper over a period of time about 40 years ago. The tower contains the stairs to an apartment upstairs over the boat house.
Eugene said his brother took great pains to simulate a foundation of granite blocks, coloring the cement the right shade of gray and faking the mortar. He went on to say that Ripley was an excellent builder who designed and built many solid homes in the old New England style which, like his "lighthouse" will be standing for a long time.
This story appeared in the
April 1996 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.