Digest>Archives> June 1999




LIGHTHOUSE ANTIQUES - We offer the largest selection of antiques of the Lighthouse Service, Life-Saving Service, Revenue Cutter Service, and Coast Guard that can be found anywhere. Featured in our monthly catalogues are thousands of new and antique books, photographs, lithographs, documents, reports, logbooks, charts, china, dinnerware, oil cans, uniforms, buttons, insignia, clocks, lanterns, and more. Special pricing on new books. $3 for illustrated catalogue, refundable with order. Kendrick A. Claflin & Son, 30 Hudson Street, Northborough, MA 04532. www.ultra-net.com/~jclaflin/ Questions? jclaflin@ma.ultranet.com

gifts & books

"LIST OF ALL EXISTING U.S. LIGHTHOUSES" by the Lighthouse People, Bob & Sandra Shanklin. Send $6.95 + $3.00 S&H to 517 Thornhill Rd., Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547. Also, photos of all U.S. Lighthouses. Inquire - 850-862-4069. www.TheLighthousePeople.com.

IRISH Lighthouse postcard series. A collection of 66 postcards of lighthouses of Ireland's wild coastline by John Eagle. Numbered 1-63 with 3 extras, many taken from helicopter. $1 each or all 66 for $59. Includes shipping. Send checks to John Eagle, Eyeries, Beara, County Cork, Ireland.

CT LIGHTHOUSES 8 individual 4x6 color pictures matted/labeled. Each array reproduced on 16x20 photographic paper. N. London Ledge/Pequot, Avery, Saybrook, Lynde, Faulkner, Morgan, Mystic. $19.95 + $4.50 s&h. Ax, V, Mc, Ck, MO. 3-4 wks delivery. Ever Changing Images, 1130 S. Main St., Middletown, CT 06457-5025.

Father Browne's Titanic Album. Within the pages of this hard cover book is a remarkable record in pictures and words of the Titanic's maiden voyage by Frank Browne, whose pictures of the liner and her passengers appeared in the world's front-page reports of the tragedy in 1912. Order item #91903 $24.95 plus s&h. Lighthouse Depot, PO Box 427, Wells, Maine 04090. www.lighthousedepot.com 1-800-758-1444.

NEW BOOK - St. Helena by Christopher Knight. Moving into your dream home can be enchanting, but something is very, very wrong. Especially if you're not alone. SC, 270 pages. #91609, $14.95 plus s&h. Lighthouse Depot 1-800-758-1444.

"How I cheated the Queen. Man filled full of lead in meltdown horror. Caged for weeks with rotting corpse Engineer plunges 70 feet-and lives. Miracle escape in stagecoach smash," . . . some interesting stuff, from the headlines of the 300 year old history of Eddystone Lighthouse. New softcover book, 138 pages, Eddystone 300, The Finger of Light. Item 91895, $39.95. Lighthouse Depot 1-800-758-1444.


LIGHTHOUSES - Wanted - Memorabilia of the United States Lighthouse Service (USLHS) or United States Lighthouse Establishment (USLHE) or items stamped and engraved by any Lighthouse Depot. Send price, photo to T. Harrison, PO Box 1690, Wells, ME 04090.


Shore Village Lighthouse Museum "America's Lighthouse Museum" 104 Limerock St, Rockland, ME 04841. 207-594-0311.

B&B's and Inns

SLEEP IN A LIGHTHOUSE! Arrive via mailboat. Great meals. Keeper's House, Isle Au Haut, ME 04645. 207-367-2261. www.keepershouse.com.


Spencer-Collin Lights. We have a small number of "made in Maine" Nauset Lt. replicas by the famous Maine artist. Order #46708 for $48.00+ s&h. Lighthouse Depot, Box 427, Wells, ME 04090. 1-800-758-1444.

CHRISTMAS LIGHT by Paula. A 22"x28" poster of Nubble Light at Christmastime. Nubble Light in York, Maine in one of the most photographed lighthouses in Maine. Send $20 to Paula of Maine, PO Box 404, Kennebunk, ME 04043 and receive poster by priority mail.

Brass Lighthouse Candle Snuffer. 2" high lighthouse. Item #88074 just $5.95 plus s&h. Lighthouse Depot 1-800-758-1444.

The Lighthouse Show, Aug 18 - Sept 10 at the Eastport Gallery, 69 Water St. Eastport, ME. An exhibit by area artists of works devoted to lighthouses. For more info call 207-853-2336 or 207-853-4166.

Set #1 of Five Russian Lighthouse Postage Stamp Magnets 2"x 3". Set 2 will be released later this year. Limited Quantity manufactured, order while supply lasts. Set 1 #88073 for $19.95 plus s&h from Lighthouse Depot, Box 427, Wells, Maine 04090. 1-800-758-1444.


South Monomoy Overnight trips, sponsored by Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, in Brewster Mass. 508-896-3867. spend night in keeper's house on remote Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, tour historic lighthouse; nature tours and dinner and breakfast included.


Wanted: A "Lighthouse Penpal" who can share information about visits to lighthouses and surrounding areas. I am a former teacher and have time to pursue a long time interest in visiting seashores and related nautical attractions. Ms. Ruth Rippel, 417 Terrace Dr., Waterloo, IA 50702.

This story appeared in the June 1999 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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