Digest>Archives> October 1998

Lighthouse Digest Photo Contest


Yes, it's time again to send in those lighthouse pictures for the Lighthouse Digest Photo Contest. This year's contest will be bigger and better. Since we will once again have four different categories, you have more chances to win, and all photos will also be considered for a separate cash prize for the cover of the Lighthouse Depot catalog.

The four categories are:

A. Best Daytime View;

B. Best view with Lens Lighted;

C. International Lights; and

D. Fresnel Lenses and Spiral Stairs

The first place winner in each category will receive a $100 gift certificate toward merchandise in the Lighthouse Depot catalog. Second place in each category will receive a $50 gift certificate, and third place in each category will receive a $35 gift certificate.

If your photograph is used for the cover of the Lighthouse Depot catalog, you will win $100 cash. A photograph may win in the Lighthouse Digest contest and will still be considered for the cover of the Lighthouse Depot catalog. So, as you can see, because of the four categories and the chance to appear on the cover of Lighthouse Depot, you have many chances to win. It all depends on how many photographs you enter.

The rules are simple . . . You may send in as many entries as you want. All photos must be in color. All entries must be photographs no larger than 8" X 10", not slides or negatives. All photographs will become the property of Lighthouse Digest and may be used on the cover or in future issues of the Digest. They will not and can not be returned. Be sure to print your full name and address and the name of the lighthouse on each photograph. If your name and address are not on the back of each photo or we can't read them, the photo will not be considered. Please do not write directly on the back of the photo. Many times the ink comes through and we can't use the photo. Return address labels work well. You may enter as many photos as you'd like. Please use only one envelope. Due to the huge volume of entries we receive, please do not put orders or other correspondence into the same envelope as your entries.

All entries must be postmarked by December 31, 1998.

All winning photographs will be published in the April, 1999 issue of Lighthouse Digest. Good Luck!

Mail entries to:

Lighthouse Digest Photo Contest '98

P.O. Box 1690, Wells, Maine 04090

Tip . . To increase your chances of appearing on the cover of Lighthouse Digest, it should be a vertical photo, not a horizontal one. And leave room above the lighthouse for the mast head words "Lighthouse Digest." Obviously, all photographs will be considered, vertical or horizontal. It is simply easier for us to use a vertical photo on the cover, but, certainly, not necessary to win the contest.

This story appeared in the October 1998 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

All contents copyright © 1995-2024 by Lighthouse Digest®, Inc. No story, photograph, or any other item on this website may be reprinted or reproduced without the express permission of Lighthouse Digest. For contact information, click here.

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