Digest>Archives> Sep/Oct 2011

Book Review

Ohio Lighthouses

By Timothy Harrison


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Arcadia Publishing continues to be a leader in preserving lighthouse history with the release of Ohio Lighthouses as part of its Images of America series of books.

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Compiled and written by Wil and Pat O’Connell this new book is loaded with over 200 historical images and is broken down into ten interesting titled chapters that tell of events that run the gamut from bizarre and mysterious to acts of bravery and love.

Naturally we are enthralled by all the historic photos in each chapter, especially since each photo has an interesting and informative text that accompanies it and will keep you going back to view and read them time and time again. It may even encourage you to do some more research on your own.

The authors have gone to great lengths in researching this easy-to-read text and gathering the images that tell of a lost lighthouse, a disappearing lighthouse sinking into Lake Erie, a Romanesque lighthouse built eight miles from shore, and a lighthouse that was built to last forever.

My favorite chapter is one titled, “Slightly Sinful Island Lighthouse” that even has a mystery that may have been solved years later by a notice that was posted in the Personals section of a newspaper.

All in all, this is our type of book, one that we recommend that you add to your library. It is available from Lighthouse Digest at www.FogHornPublishing.com or by calling 207-259-2121.

This story appeared in the Sep/Oct 2011 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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