The newest limited edition coin from the North Bend Chapter of the Chief Petty Officer Association features the Columbia River Lightship WLV 604.
The coin is the next in a series of bronze lighthouse coins that have previously featured Umpqua River, Yaquina Head, Cape Arago and Heceta lighthouses in Oregon. The Umpqua River coin is now sold out. Thse Columbia River Lightship is now a floating museum in Astoria, Oregon.
The North Bend Chapter exists to help Coast Guard junior enlisted members and their families with such things as holiday gifts, blankets for new babies, cab rides for medical purposes and just about anything else – all good causes for our military families. Your purchase of a coin helps them with their efforts.
The new lightship coins are $19.95 each plus $3.50 shipping by mailing your payment to North Bend Chapter, CPOA, 2000 Connecticut Ave., North Bend, Oregon 97459.
Be sure to specify which coins you are ordering when mailing in your check. They can also be ordered on-line at
This story appeared in the
May 2010 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.