Digest>Archives> May 2009

Doomsday List - Whitford Point Lighthouse

By Timothy Harrison


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In the meantime the 1865 abandoned Whitford Point ...
Photo by: Tony Denton

According to a number of reports, an American millionaire once wanted to purchase the long abandoned Whitford Point Lighthouse off the coast of Loughor Estuary in South Wales and move it to the United States. His offer should have been accepted, because, today, many years later, the lighthouse still sits abandoned; a rusted out hulk, an monument to another era and a travesty to historic preservation.

Instead of doing some local fundraising, which by now might have raised the money to restore the lighthouse or perhaps move it to land as a tourist attraction, the lighthouse has been offered for sale on several occasions by Llanelli's Millennium Coastal Park, which owns the lighthouse. The asking price is $1.50 but any prospective buyer must prove they have approximately $300,000 in the bank to restore it.

This story appeared in the May 2009 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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