As I read that definition, I can’t help but thank the countless “lighthouse people” who practice that mantra in their daily lives.
=The wonderful people who provide family history for
the archives – they are preservationists. Their stories and those of their ancestors will live on because they took the time to share what they have.
=The folks who find and donate lighthouse memora
bilia, so that others can learn and continue the light
house tradition. These kind people are the lighthouse
educators who ensure that lighthouse history will live on,
even after the towers are gone. They too, are preservationists.
=The lighthouse historians – those terrific folks who are
gifted with the talent of writing, of speaking – sharing
with all who will listen, the stories buried deep within the
walls of towers throughout the United States. These
preservationists share the knowledge they have gained
from the storytellers and the educators.
But the question remains – Is that enough?
What is your answer?
History is ever evolving. As new facts, new figures, new information come to light, the picture comes into focus and we gain a better understanding of what we have already discovered. Each new bit of information clarifies, substantiates and solidifies the slices of history we have been able to put together to this point.
Can we stop here and now?
I hope not.
This story appeared in the
October 2007 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.
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