Digest>Archives> Aug/Sep 2004

Lighthouse Collectibles: Love Diary


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Bill Frey of Hellertown, PA, recently donated a 1974 Chariton Comic book titled “Any Port in a Storm” to the Museum of Lighthouse History. The book features a cute romance story about a good-looking muscular guy named Bill, whose boat breaks down while fishing and is rescued by the lighthouse keeper's beautiful blonde daughter.

As a storm rages on, a small vessel with three beautiful young women crashes on the rocks at the lighthouse and Bill rescues all of them, then collapses from exhaustion on the beach. All the girls then carry him into the keeper's house where he wakes up looking into the faces of all these beautiful women, thinking he has gone to heaven.

A rescue boat arrives to take them back to the mainland. As Bill departs the island, he and the keeper's daughter embrace as he kisses her, promising to come back.

When he returns home where his mother is cooking dinner, she asks him if he caught anything on his fishing trip, to which he replies, “Yep, three beauties, but I threw them back!”

This story appeared in the Aug/Sep 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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