Digest>Archives> May 2004

Keeper’s Korner

Tid-bits from the Tower

By Timothy Harrison


Australian lighthouse calendar

Australian Lighthouse Traders has announced the release of their 2005 Australian Lighthouse Calendar. For more information, contact Australian Lighthouse Traders, 4/19 Elm Street, Victoria 3127 Australia, or email them at Lighthouses@mira.net or visit their web site at www.lighthouses.com.au.

Toilet Seat

We’re looking for a toilet seat cover that features Portland Head Light painted on it. We’ve heard that they were available at Lowe’s Building Supplies, but we’ve been unable to locate a store that had one. They sell for around $28.00. If anyone can find a store that still has them for sale, please let us know by emailing Timh@lhdigest.com or calling us at 207-646-0515.

CEU Accredited

Many of the lighthouse groups in New England work closely with the Coast Guard’s Civil Engineering Group (CEU) in Providence, RI. CEU Providence is the only Accredited Management Organization (AMO) in the federal government. The AMO designation is awarded by the Institute of Real Estate Management of the National Association of Realtors only to offices that are recognized as professional asset management offices. It is the highest professional designation that a real property office can attain in the real estate arena. Many of us work closely with Ted Dernago of CEU Providence, who is a Certified Property Manager (CPM), which allows his office to be an AMO because of the CPM Professional recognition. A designation of CPM to real property is like a designation of CPA to accounting. So when lighthouse groups are working with the top Real Estate Branch (Office) within the federal government, it is in the U.S. Coast Guard. If all this sounds confusing, just remember that the best friends to the non-profit lighthouse community are the people in the United States Coast Guard.

Town wants Brant Point

The Town of Nantucket, MA, says it wants ownership of Brant Point Lighthouse when and if it is declared excess property under the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act. The town already owns a boat house on the property and leases the land from the Coast Guard.

Lighthouses of Sweden

The Swedish Lighthouse Society has just released the first lighthouse map of Sweden. The map is on their web site at www.fyr.org. If you want to choose the English version (that version of their home page contains less information than the Swedish version) click on the English flag. Then click on “lighthouses” to the left. Then click on the first one.

Quilters go for the light

Lighthouses lovers visiting Maine this summer will want to see the VIEW FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE which is a special section of Maine Quilts 2004 to be held in the air-conditioned Augusta Civic Center in Augusta from Friday July 30th through Sunday, August 1st. This is the 27th show put on by the Pine Tree Quilters' Guild, Inc. The Augusta Civic Center is minutes off Maine's Interstate 95. For more information contact the show coordinator Nancy Bishop at 207-453-7287 or email mq1@prexar.com

This story appeared in the May 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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