Digest>Archives> July 2002

Lest We Forget

By Timothy Harrison


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Lt. Louis W. Perkins USCG from a 1918 photograph.

Having recently celebrated Memorial Day where we honor those who lost their lives fighting to preserve our way of life and save the world from tyranny and now going into the birthday month of the greatest nation the world has ever known, we must never forget that Freedom Is Not Free.

However, as time goes on, many do forget. Fortunately, there are enough of us out there trying to make sure that our nations history is preserved for future generations to learn from and appreciate what those before us have done.

We recently came across a small hard cover, (4 1/4”X5 3/4”), booklet which states it was printed for Private Distribution by the Third Company, United States Coast Guard on March 31, 1919. The booklet has a simple title on its cover, “LEST WE FORGET.”

The forward says, “The Third Company of the United States Coast Guard, New York Division, was recruited and organized in March, 1918, for service during the European War. Its commander was Lt. Louis W. Perkins, to whom this book is dedicated. During their enlistments the men have formed bonds of friendship with each other that will never be broken. In is our promise to preserve a record of the members that the happy and sometimes distressful experiences which are associated with each name may always be remembers.”

We wish we had the space to list all the names in the book. However, since we are based in Maine, following is a list of Mainers that served in this division . . . .

John F. Frates

Frank D. Jannelle

William P Judge

Alfred W. Pelletier

We must never forget those who have served our nation not just today, but also yesterday.


This story appeared in the July 2002 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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