Digest>Mar/Apr 2023

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Charles H. Davis, a native of Maine, was the last person to serve as the lighthouse keeper of the old wooden Red Bluff Lighthouse on Admiralty Head. By the time he and his wife, Mary, arrived at Admiralty Head Lighthouse, he had been a seasoned keeper having served at the notorious Tillamook Rock Lighthouse in Oregon and Washington’s Point Robinson Lighthouse. When the new Admiralty Head Lighthouse was being completed in 1903, it was believed by all, including himself, that he would become the first keeper of the of new lighthouse. But, suddenly, out of nowhere, orders came for him to be transferred. The local community was outraged and the Tacoma Daily Ledger wrote: “The station was just ready to be moved in when orders came from the Inspector saying, ‘You are transferred to Ediz Hook.’ Thus, it is that faithful service counts for naught. The Old Man is cast aside, placed in isolation, away from his friends and civilization and his place given to a younger man who has more influence with the inspector of the department. To make it doubly hard, Mrs. Davis, sickened and died in 1901 and the captain has been alone ever since. He has but a few years more to live and it would seem that justice and fair dealing required that he be permitted to enjoy the pleasant surroundings that have grown around him in his years of faithful service, and been permitted to occupy the new quarters the few remaining years he has. “Captain Davis was a shipmate of Admiral Dewey and both were on board the Mississippi when the latter was sunk during the War of Rebellion, while the same was a part of Admiral Farragut’s fleet.” The public outcry worked. His stay at Ediz Hook Lighthouse was short; he barely had time to unpack his bags and was soon transferred back to Admiralty Head Lighthouse.
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Remembering Red Bluff
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