Nov/Dec 2012 Our holiday cover this year features the 1871 Yaquina Bay Lighthouse in Newport, Oregon and was painted by Maine artist Virginia Souza. It is titled “Smile for the Keeper.” This is the 15th year that Virginia has painted an exclusive whimsical lighthouse image for Lighthouse Digest.
Over the years she has also painted a few other Christmas images that have not appeared on our covers. In total, she has painted 20 images for us, which coincidentally honors our 20 years in business. The image on the cover features a banner on the roof of the keeper’s house that says, “Happy 20th – Lighthouse Digest, From Santa and the Team,” which Virginia painted especially for this cover. It will not appear on the prints that are now available for sale.
All of us at Lighthouse Digest wish to thank Virginia for her 15 years of association with us. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
See the inside front cover for ordering information for this print and previous years’ images or visit us at
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