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Name: Pea Point Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Blacks Harbour, New Brunswick, Canada

Location: On a rock near Wallace Cove, the ferry terminal for Grand Manan Island.

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Photo: Michel Forand

Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

Tower Height: 35

Height of Focal Plane: 56

Characteristic and Range: Fixed white light, visible for 12 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White, square tower on a corner of a white, square building, with a red lantern.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1878

Date Present Tower Built: 1965?

Fog Signal: Blast 3 seconds, silence 3 seconds, blast 3 seconds, silence 51 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

There is no proper public access to the lighthouse. From Highway 1, take Highway 776 to the end. Just before the ferry to Grand Manan Island is a red gate on the left, with limited parking available. The distance from the gate to the rock on which the lighthouse stands is about 1 mile. The crossing from the shore to the rock (about 400 yards) should only be attempted at low tide, and only by the sure-footed, as the beach is covered with rocks and boulders, and the paths on the lighthouse rock are narrow and perilous. (Thanks to Michel Forand.)

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