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The highly acclaimed Lighthouse Digest is a full color lighthouse news and history magazine that is published bi-monthly. Founded in 1992, Lighthouse Digest, the only lighthouse history and news magazine in the world, is dedicated to rediscovering and reporting on lighthouse history so that it can be saved for future generations while also reporting on current lighthouse events and news.
Each issue is packed with amazing historical stories that include rare and historic photos, plus stories of about lighthouse events and modern era stories involving the many lighthouse people around the world who are working hard to save and open lighthouses to the public.
Regular columns feature nautical antiques, a lighthouse crossword puzzle, book reviews, a calendar of lighthouse events to help you plan lighthouse vacations and tours that you can take, and editorial comment.
Lighthouse Digest also introduces its readers to new lighthouse books and lighthouse gifts and collectibles that you might not otherwise have been aware of. Plus, there are many advertisers that include lighthouses you can stay at and other lighthouse related items.
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