Jimmy Brown, Fire Chief of the City of Tybee Island, sent the Tybee Island Fire Department lighthouse patch to us. He recently visited Lighthouse Depot where he saw the giant patch display and realized that Tybee Island was not represented. It is now!
Dot Cowdrey sent us the Lighthouse Point Police patch on behalf of her granddaughter Jessie McCarthy and her dog Heidi.
C. Dane Alden sent the Aids to Navigation Team of Sitka, Alaska patch to us. He worked with this Coast Guard ATON Team a number of years ago.
On behalf of Cub Scout Pack 571 in Payallup, WA, Blair Mitchell sent us this patch of the Pacific Harbors Council. In the background is Mt. Rainier and in the foreground is the Atlantic Ocean.
Pat Biggs of Michigan sent us this beautiful patch of St. Marks Refuge, which features the St. Marks Lighthouse in Florida.
The American Littoral Society lighthouse patch was sent to us by Mary Ann Griesbach. The patch features Sandy Hook Light, NJ. The Society is dedicated to preserving and protecting coastal fish and wildlife and open space for recreation. To learn more about their group and receive one of their free membership brochures write to American Littoral Society, Sandy Hook, Highlands, NJ 07732-9989.
The Perry Point Search and Rescue patch, featuring Maryland’s Concord Point Lighthouse, was sent to us by De Manning, a member of the team who also drew and designed the patch. Her husband, Jim Manning, is the Search Commander. Perry Point is located at the mouth of the Susquehana River and Upper Chesapeake Bay.
Peter L. Murphy who serves as Commissioner of Public Safety of Long Beach Township, NJ sent this lighthouse patch to us. Although there are six municipalities on the island, Long Beach is the largest accounting for more than 50% of the landmass. Uniquely Long Beach is chopped up into 5 separate parts with one of the other municipalities in between. In most cases they share two common boundaries with each town. They also provide police service under contract to the Borough of Barnegat Light and that’s why Barnegat Lighthouse appears on the patch.
The Point Reyes (California) National Seashore patch featuring Point Reyes Lighthouse was sent to us courtesy of Loretta Farley, a park ranger at the National Seashore.
None other than Lighthouse Lenny sent the Lake Sunapee Fire Department patch to us. (Sorry, that’s the only name we know him by.) The patch features the Loon Island Lighthouse, one of three still functioning lighthouses on Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire.
This story appeared in the
December 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.