Digest>Archives> November 2000



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Dear LHD,

The September issue of Lighthouse Digest was one of the best you have ever done. All issues are great but I really liked September the best. I have to admit up front that I am retired from the Coast Guard and to see the Coast Guard emblem on the front cover, even if it was on a helo, made my day. I was not in the “Aviation Community,” but it still is the Coast Guard, and we need those aviators to get out to those remote lights and even some that are not so remote. I applaud your starting a regular feature about the Coast Guard. It certainly is true that the Coast Guard continues to be tasked with doing more with less resources. There is a saying that before too long “we will be doing everything with nothing.”

The first lighthouse I ever saw was Minot’s Ledge, back in the fall of 1963. I was a Seaman Apprentice from Illinois, had never seen the ocean before. I was assigned to Scituate Station and was transported by Coast Guard 40 footer from Group Office Hull, MA to Scituate, MA. I remember seeing Minot’s Ledge on the way to Scituate. Coming into the harbor we passed Scituate Light. Thus was my introduction to lighthouses. We don’t have any real ones out here in Oklahoma where I presently live so Lighthouse Digest is my anchor. Keep up the good work.

David Ponstein

Dear LHD,

I’m just getting around to expressing my delight with Tim Harrison and Ray Jones’ book, Lost Lighthouses. It’s one great piece of work and well researched. I thank you for it.

Admont Clark

Author-Lighthouses of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard-Nantucket

Dear LHD,

Loved the September issue! It’s time the U.S. Coast Guard got some good print. These men and women give themselves daily to keep the citizens of the United States safe. They are surely not in the service of their country for the money, as the pay is very slim and the hours often long and far from their homes and families. They are all to often asked to leave their families for months at a time. They are always ready to aid in an emergency at sea, or stop drug traffic from coming into our country. They are truly heroes, who are under appreciated and very seldom thanked for their efforts. One only has to witness the speed with which these men and women respond when a distress call comes in at a duty station. They are up and out the door before the overhead speaker completes the call for help.

While I am sorry to see so many lighthouses unlit, I’d like to believe that today’s United States Coast Guardsmen are continuing to light the way for those who are lost at sea.

I, too, like both covers, but would have preferred cover A, as it better depicts the entire service offered by OUR coast Guard.

Thank you again for the wonderful tribute to this fine group of men and women. I look forward to more positive articles on the Coast Guard in your magazine. My copy is being forwarded to the Monomoy stationed out of Woods Hole, MA.

JoAnn McAllister

Tewksbury, MA

Dear LHD,

The September issue of Lighthouse Digest was awesome, as usual. You guys do a superb job. I just read the whole thing cover to cover.

Judy Morris

a/k/a Flying Santa of the Lighthouses elf 1996 & 1999

Dear LHD,

I’m a Lighthouse Digest subscriber and was wondering where I might find more information on the Rubicon Point Lighthouse that is listed on your Doomsday List.

Tara Oakley

Editor’s Reply: The Rubicon Point Lighthouse is on Lake Tahoe, California. Built by the Coast Guard the lighthouse has been abandoned for years and is near ruins. It is scheduled to be restored in the near future. To learn more about this lighthouse we recommend the book, (with an amusing title) Lighthouse or Outhouse. The book gives a complete and thorough history of the lighthouse. It is available as item #91570 for $4.95 plus shipping from Lighthouse Depot by calling 1-800-758-1444.

This story appeared in the November 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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