Digest>Archives> September 2000

Salute to the Coast Guard: Assisting the DeTour Reef Preservation Group


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Shown here are USCG Group “Soo” all set to go to ...
Photo by: Jeri Feltner

The U.S. Coast Guard has been of special help to Michigan’s DeTour Reef Light Preservation Society. James S. Woodward, CEU, 9th District, Cleveland, with historical information and advice. They report that he is a wonderful, knowledgeable and patient person to work with and has made major contributions with his wealth of information toward the preservation of the DeTour Reef Light both historically and physically.

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Additionally, U.S. Coast Guard Group Sault Ste. Marie personnel Steve Lyons and Steve Brown have very cooperative is assisting the DRLPS in their efforts to become the new stewards of the lighthouse.

This story appeared in the September 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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