This column continues to provide excerpts from the “Lighthouse Service Bulletin,” a monthly publication of the U.S. Bureau of Lighthouses, U.S. Department of Commerce. The first was issued in January 1912, and it continued throughout the existence of the Bureau. Unedited quotes from February through August of 1912 issues are found below. The Bulletin had as its object “supplying information that will be immediately useful in maintaining or improving the standards of the Lighthouse Service, and of keeping the personnel advised of the progress of work and matters of general interest in the service and in lighthouse work in general.”
The Bureau of Lighthouses expected no less than the utmost of professionalism in its Lighthouse Keepers and all other personnel. The very first page of one of the early “Instructions to Light-Keepers” was a Notice that stated: “The following instructions are published for the guidance of light-keepers and masters of light-house vessels. They are required to read them carefully and attentively, and to refer to them whenever they have any doubts in regard to their duties of the manner of performing them.” The service did not take transgressions of its well-publicized instructions lightly. Perhaps to get this point across clearly, a feature of this, the brand new Bulletin, was a column listing “Punishments” meted out to Bureau employees for various failures to comply with rules and regulations. A sampling of these follow:
A lighthouse keeper has been reprimanded for accepting a fee from visitors at his station, contrary to the Instructions to Light Keepers, 1911, page 150.
A deduction has been made from the salary of the master of a light vessel to cover expenditure for provisions which exceeded the subsistence allowance provided by the Regulations.
A lighthouse keeper has been reprimanded for failure to properly conduct his official correspondence, he having allowed outside work to interfere with the work of the Lighthouse Service.
The engineer of a light vessel has been reprimanded for not keeping the engine-room clean and for neglect of certain parts of the machinery.
A second assistant lighthouse keeper has been dismissed from the service for tendering his resignation and leaving his station without giving due notice, much to the embarrassment of the Service.
An officer has been cautioned to show at all times the proper respect to his superior officers. Another officer has been warned on account of lack of energy and efficiency.
A captain of a lighthouse tender has been cautioned for failure to keep various buoys in their proper positions.
A lighthouse keeper has been reduced to the grade of assistant keeper for not keeping his station in proper condition, and on account of his slovenly appearance.
A lighthouse keeper has been transferred from a four-keeper station to a single-keeper station for incompetency in maintaining his station and its discipline in the proper manner.
A lighthouse keeper has been reprimanded for misstatement of facts in connection with charges, and for nagging of assistants.
A first assistant lighthouse keeper has been reprimanded for insubordination, and for bringing false accusations.
A first assistant lighthouse keeper has been dismissed for threatening the keeper and for fomenting trouble between the keeper and others.
A lighthouse keeper has been cautioned for failure to report as soon as possible the fact that the light under his charge was not burning on a certain night.
A third assistant lighthouse keeper has been dismissed from the service for intoxication and other delinquencies.
A lighthouse keeper has been dismissed from the service for his carelessness and lack of attention to duty.
An assistant lighthouse keeper has been dismissed from the service for being absent from duty without proper authority.
A master of a light vessel has been reprimanded for nagging a subordinate and using abusive language in enforcing orders.
The engineer of a light vessel has been reprimanded for not readily obeying the orders of the master, and for showing disrespect.
A lighthouse keeper has been dismissed from the service for oppressive and capricious conduct, and for failure to forward an official communication in accordance with the regulations.
A lighthouse keeper has been dismissed from the service for being intoxicated while on duty.
A lighthouse keeper has been dismissed from the service for disobedience of orders and resigning without notice, to the embarrassment of the service.
Two clerks and the engineer of a light vessel have been reprimanded because of the unsatisfactory manner in which their work is performed.
A lighthouse keeper has been warned for mistreatment of his subordinates.
Perhaps having gotten the point across, the “Punishments” section disappeared from the Bulletin after the August 1912 issue. The December 1912 issue announced the name of the Light Station and its keeper which earned the coveted “Efficiency Pennant” for the year instead. These stations were entitled to fly the pennant-shaped Light-House Service flag for the next year.
That’s another sampling “From the Bulletin” Watch this space in each issue of Lighthouse Digest for more.
This story appeared in the
Jan/Feb 2021 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.
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