Digest>Archives> January 2000

Pottawatomie Gets Award


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Wisconsin's Pottawatomie Lighthouse with its ...

The Wisconsin Trust for Historic Preservation recently presented the Friends of Rock Island with an award for the outstanding work their volunteers did reconstructing the lantern room for Wisconsin's Pottawatomie Lighthouse this past June. (Refer to story with extensive photos of the October 1999 issue of Lighthouse Digest).

With the new lantern room securely in place, the Friends group is ready to move on the interior restoration of the Keepers Quarters. Terry Laib, their historic structures consultant, has provided them with a detailed report that estimates this phase of the restoration will cost $65,000. The Friends group has applied for $20,000 from the Johnson Controls Foundation and a matching grant from the State Stewardship Fund. If those grants are approved it would leave this small group with another $25,000 to raise.

The Friends group has come up with some categories of donation.... Inspector, $1000 or more; Head Keeper, $500-$999; Assistant Keeper, $100-$499; and Brass Polisher, $50-$99. All donors to the restoration will have their names added to a plaque (with their permission) that will hang in the lighthouse upon completion of the project. The Friends of Rock Island is a non profit group and donations are tax deductible as allowed under law, Donations can be sent to Friends of Rock Island, 126 Country Club Drive, Clintonville, WI 54929.

This story appeared in the January 2000 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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