Digest>Archives> July 1999

Up, Down and Away!


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The crane gets ready to remove the lantern room ...
Photo by: Betty Mugnier

Lantern Room removed at Hereford Inlet Lighthouse New Jersey's picturesque Hereford Inlet Lighthouse lost its lantern room as part of a major restoration project. But don't worry, the loss is only temporary.

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The lantern room being removed from Hereford ...
Photo by: Betty Mugnier

The 3,000 pound, 125 year old lantern room was carefully removed by crane and lowered onto a flatbed truck which took it on a short journey to the town of North Wildwood's Public Works yard.

The $190,000 restoration project will not only repair the lantern room, but will also renovate water damage to the tower caused by leakage.

Funds for the restoration project came from a $70,000 grant from the New Jersey Historic Trust with the remaining $120,000 paid for by the City of North Wildwood and the Hereford Inlet Lighthouse Commission. City officials said they need to raise another $500,000 for additional renovations to the historic monument.

This was the first time the lighthouse has been dark in 125 years. The restored lantern room should be back in place by the time many of you read this article.

This story appeared in the July 1999 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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