Digest>Archives> Mar/Apr 2016

Keeper’s Korner

Tidbits and Editorial Comments from the Tower

By Timothy Harrison


Presqu’ile Gets Rotary Money

The Presqu’ile Point Lighthouse Preservation Society recently received a $25,000 donation from the local Rotary Club to be used toward the restoration of the 1840 Presqu’ile Point Lighthouse in Brighton, Ontario, Canada. The preservation group was formed in 2012 to help raise money to restore the now headless lighthouse. Perhaps the day will come when the lighthouse will regain its dignity with a replicated lantern room.

Perch Rock Relighting

After being dark for 42 years, the restored 90 foot tall Perch Rock Lighthouse in New Brighton, England is being relighted. The new light, which will be solar powered, was secured by a grant from the Coastal Revival Fund.

Lighthouse Child Turns 100

Earl Morash who was born in Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse in Nova Scotia turned 100 years old this past December 30th He was born in the original keeper’s house that no longer stands at the famous site. His advice to long-living is to “eat your vegetables and enjoy a glass of rum from time to time.”

Wallace Gets Protection

After a three effort the ownership of the 1904 Wallace Harbor Front Range Lighthouse in Wallace, Nova Scotia has been transferred to the Wallace Area Development Association, whose volunteers will now take care of the maintenance of the structure.

Mystery Stone Light Identified

The mystery stone lighthouse facsimile shown on page 32 of the January/February edition of Lighthouse has been identified as being a structure that is located on the banks of Lakes Wales, in Polk County, Florida. However, we still do not know the history of the structure or why it was built.

Orfordness to Collapse

The 221 year old Orfordness Lighthouse in Orford, United Kingdom is now only 32 feet from the edge of the encroaching ocean and could collapse at any day. However, volunteers launched an emergency stop gap measure with more erosion controls in front of the lighthouse. But most believe that the only way to save the lighthouse is by moving it. However, because of the restrictions of the Orford Ness National Nature Preserve which will not allow the lighthouse to be moved, believing that it will damage the delicate eco-system of the area, the lighthouse may be doomed.

Star of the Finest Hours

If you’ve seen the movie The Finest Hours about the most daring rescue in Coast Guard history, you’ll want to see the real star of the movie. The actual Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat CG36500 has been restored and is now cared for by the Orleans Historical Society, in Orleans, Massachusetts. In the winter months it can be seen at Nauset Marine East and in the summer months it can be viewed at Rock Harbor, both in Orleans, Massachusetts. To learn more go to www.cg36500.org.

Millions for New Museum

At an advanced viewing of the movie The Finest Hours at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, former President H.W. Bush and other noted supporters announced that they now have $4 million in pledges from private and corporate sponsors for the proposed National Coast Guard Museum that will be built in New London, Connecticut.

Tower Loses Lighthouse Look

For the past 15 years this 18,000 ton water tower in Palatine, Illinois has been painted to look like a lighthouse. However, the village officials recently approved a plan to paint the lighthouse with a two-tone blue color. (Photo by Joe Lewnard, courtesy of the Daily Herald.)

Ashtabula Keeper Dies

We are saddened to report on the unexpected passing on January 21, 2016 of Coast Guardsman Neil N. Barton who was stationed at the Ashtabula Harbor Lighthouse from 1957 to 1959 and also at the Ashtabula Coast Guard Station in Ashtabula, Ohio. Neil was active in helping to piece together some of the vital history of the lighthouse. Many of you may remember the story “Ice Rescue” that Neil Barton wrote that appeared in the March 2010 edition of Lighthouse Digest. That story is also available on our web site at www.LighthouseDigest.com. Our sincere condolences go out to his family and friends and to the members of the Ashtabula Lighthouse Restoration and Preservation Society.

This story appeared in the Mar/Apr 2016 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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