Digest>Archives> February 1999

Immortality for Sending an E-Mail


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Send your E-Mail Birthday greeting to South ...
Photo by: Don Devine

The Cape Agulhas Lighthouse, the 2nd oldest working lighthouse in Southern Africa, will be 150 years old on March 1, 1999. As a special tribute to this anniversary, Prof. Carl Lohann, a trustee of the Lighthouse Museum at Cape Agulhas is attempting to gather one million e-mail wishes for this historic occasion.

All e-mail greetings will be installed on a CD-ROM and these CD's will be sealed into the lighthouse's date-stone during the official celebrations. This means that all those who send a greeting will be put into the "Time-Capsule" and so will become a part of the history of this famous lighthouse. The web address to send your greeting is - http://www.cape-explorer.com.

The dates being celebrated are 1849-1999 for this lighthouse that is situated at the southernmost tip of Africa and at the official point where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.

This story appeared in the February 1999 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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