Digest>Archives> December 1995

Lighthouse Played Important Role in International Crisis


"War Fleets Move Down Both Sides of the Continent in Preparation for Occupation of Ports and Army is Moving and May Cross Rio Grande"

"President to Ask Use of Armed Forces"

"Congress Ready to Back Him in Support of Honor"

"Huerta Refuses Demand For Conditional Salute of Flag - Wilson Calls Cabinet and Will Go Before Congress"

So said the headlines in the New Orleans Times Democrat on Sunday April 20, 1914.

The story went on to read... "Gen. Victoriano Huerta, Provisional President of Mexico, flatly refused tonight to accede to the unconditional demands of the United States that he salute the American flag and Congress will be asked by President Wilson tomorrow for authority to use armed forces to uphold the honor and dignity of the nation.

Negotiations with Huerta over the demand for a salute in reparation for the arrest of American bluejackets at Tampico April 10 came to a close tonight at 6 o'clock, the last hour given by President Wilson for a favorable response from the Mexican dictator. The final word to Charge O'Shaughnessy was a refusal to comply, unless the United States would guarantee in writing that his salute be returned.

"The crises thus reached does not mean that there will be a declaration of war, because the United States could not declare war against a government it does not recognize. President Wilson will seek authority however to send armed forces into Mexico, to seize first the ports of Tampico and Vera Cruz."

The article showed this exact photograph as shown here and copied from that 1914 newspaper. The caption stated that the Lighthouse at La Barra Tampico will be one of the first sites to be seized by U. S. Marines when they move against the forces of General Huerta.

If you want to learn more details of this time in history, you might check with your local library. We will tell you that the American Marines that were arrested were released, and the Mexican Officer who ordered the arrest was himself arrested by the Mexican dictator. Two years later American forces did enter Mexico in an unsuccessful two year campaign to capture Pancho Villa.

This story appeared in the December 1995 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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