Digest>Archives> June 2004

Famous People and Lighthouse History


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We’ve been saying for years that one can learn more about early American history by studying lighthouses than from any other single source.

This original photograph of Professor Alexander D. Bache, which was just acquired by the American Lighthouse Foundation, is proof of this statement.

Professor Bache, who was a member of the Light House Board, was widely respected in scientific circles throughout the world. Among his accomplishments, he also served as president of the Philosophical Society, and was founder and first president of the National Academy of Sciences.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Professor Bache, who was a member of the governing body that ran our nation’s lighthouses, was also the grandson of Benjamin Franklin and nephew of George M. Dallas, former vice president of the United States.

Do some research on him, and who knows what wonderful parts of American history you’ll uncover.

This story appeared in the June 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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